Funny Sings for Ukulele

A Collection of old songs arranged for ukulele with sheet music & lyrics.

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THE UKULELE, the typical native Hawaiian instrument of diminutive guitar shape, has won its way to an important place in the stringed instrument family on account of its delightful tone and the ease with which it can be learned. By the Hawaiians it is used as an accompaniment to their songs with such novel and fas­cinating effect that once heard it is never forgotten lt is, indeed, as necessary to the Hawaiian glee and musical clubs as drums, to our own military bands.Unless accompanied by theUkulele , the native Hula and Luau dances would be like meat without salt.
TheUkulele was first produced in Hawaii about the yearl879 and sprung into such favor that the old Taro-patch Fiddle was im­mediately dethroned in favor of its smaller brother.From that date to this theUkulele has reigned supreme in Hawaii and has invaded the Pacific coast states to such an extent that one is sure to hear its soft tones wherever young people congregate. In one university alone there are over one thousand of these charming little instruments.
With its tropical tone coloring and delightful has come to be recognized as a beautiful accompaniment for the voice in any style of song and is as adaptable to 'rag-time' as to the more sen­timental Hawaiian melodies. Its simplicity is such that any one can learn to play it in a very short time. If one wishes to give it serious study the effort will be well repaid, as its possiblities as a musical instrument are unlimited. Some players have acquired a wonderful technique.
Koa.or Kou, a rare and highly valued native wood, now rapidly diminishing in absolutely necessary in the manufacture of a genuine Ukulele, as no other wood will produce the deep mellow tone which is the chief reason for the instrument's popularity.